Angela Baggaley

  • Bladder Management

  • Bowel Management

  • Complex Health Care

  • Continuing Health Care

  • Dementia

  • Dementia/Elderly Care

  • Deprivation of Liberty (DOLS)

  • Diabetes

  • District and Community Nursing

  • Elderly Care

  • End of Life Care

  • Falls

  • General Adult Nursing

  • Incident Reporting and Management

  • Incontinence (Faecal)

  • Incontinence (Urinary)

  • Infection Prevention & Control

  • Leg Ulcers

  • Long Term/Chronic/Life Limiting Conditions

  • Manual Handling

  • Medicines Management

  • Mental Capacity Act

  • Nursing and Care Homes

  • Pain Management

  • Palliative Care/End of Life

  • Parkinson's Disease

  • Pressure Ulcers

  • Rehabilitation

  • Risk Management

  • Safeguarding Adults

  • Sepsis

  • Tissue Viability

  • Venepuncture/Cannulation

  • Wound Care

A Registered Nurse since 1994 with experience in community, hospital, business services and nursing homes. NHS work includes working as a District Nurse Sister and District Nurse Advisor responsible for all aspects of patient assessment, care planning and care delivery. Experience of continuing healthcare retrospective reviews and in current role involvement in assessing residents for continuing healthcare checklist and decision support tool assessments and reviews. Nursing home responsibilities for the past 14 years and currently, include pre-assessment of residents, assessment of care needs, risk assessments, care planning, care provision and working within the latest research and guidance. Other experience includes working as a team leader in the business services industry, evaluating medico-legal reports and working with the team to set up treatments for those involved in insurance claims.

In 2021 Angela completed the Bond Civil Expert Witness Certificate – Cardiff University/ Bond Solon and provides Screen and Breach of Duty reports on behalf of the Claimant or Defendant.




  • Liability Reports

  • Screening Reports

Ages Covered

Registered General Nurse
  • Adults 25+