Annette Richards

  • Health Visiting

  • Health Visitor

36 years nursing experience, having previously practised as a Registered Nurse and a Registered Midwife. Practising as a Health Visitor since 1994, which included leading and providing a school nursing and health visiting service within a defined population and locality, as well as working in urban, rural, geographical and corporate caseloads. Currently practising full time as a Health Visitor Team Leader; this role involves working a combination of management and clinical days as part of this role.

Experience includes monitoring and reporting on clinical standards and performance; the updating and producing of health visiting standards and guidelines, and working within the field of clinical governance

Knowledge and experience in report writing has facilitated the development of skills to prepare expert witness reports. Contacted for Named Approaches and accepts instructions for Claimant and Defendant work.

Bond Solon Certified Legal Training Courses: “Excellence in report writing” and “Courtroom Skills training”




  • Liability Reports

  • Screening Reports

  • Causation Reports

Ages Covered

Registered Nurse - Adult
  • Pre School 1-4

  • Babies 0-1