Christine Hastings

  • Anaphylaxis

  • Basic Life Support

  • Birth Injury/Development Injury

  • Critical Care/ICU/High Dependency

  • Family Planning & Sexual Health

  • Midwife

  • Midwifery

  • Neonatal

  • Risk Management

  • Sepsis

  • Vaccinations

  • Venepuncture/Cannulation

  • Wound Closure and Suturing

Demonstrating 35 years’ dual registration in both clinical Nursing and Midwifery, together with a wide range of undergraduate and post graduate teaching experience. Educated to Master’s Level as Advanced Midwife Practitioner, currently leading the High Risk Labour Ward clinical activity with critical care bed provision. Department lead for protocol and guideline research and development and writing. Proven excellent organisational and time management skills
Teaching Lead with University of Dundee Medical School, contributing to obstetric teaching of Labour complications, Obstetric emergencies and Professional Behaviours.
12 Years as instructor with Scottish Multidisciplinary Maternity Development Programme.
Extensive community and hospital setting midwifery experience, with specialism in labour complications, birth injury, homebirth, sepsis management, obstetric emergencies and professional breech of conduct.
Maintains community link with on call support for both rural and urban homebirth.
With a themed publication in a national midwifery journal, proven experience in carrying out investigations into “Breach of Duty” and professional conduct.

Bond Solon Certified Legal Training Courses: “Excellence in report writing” and “Courtroom Skills training”




  • Liability Reports

Ages Covered

Registered Nurse - Adult
  • Adults 25+

  • Young Adults 18-25

  • Adolescents 12-18

  • Babies 0-1

  • Prenatal