Emma Waring

  • Adult Critical Care/High Dependency

  • Anaesthetics/Recovery

  • Asthma/COPD

  • Audiology

  • Critical Care/ICU/High Dependency

  • Diabetes

  • Employment & Sickness Management

  • End of Life Care, Enteral Feeding

  • General Adult Nursing

  • Incontinence (Faecal)

  • Incontinence (Urinary)

  • Kidney Dialysis

  • Nasogastric Feeding

  • Neurosurgical Nursing Care

  • Palliative Care/End of Life

  • Pressure Ulcers

  • Renal Care (Acute)

  • Respiratory Disease

  • Sepsis

  • Surgical Nursing (Postoperative)

  • Tracheotomy

  • Triage Nursing

  • Wound Care

Emma Waring has been a registered general nurse since 2005 with NHS experience
within acute trusts and third-sector services within the community. She has
provided her expertise across a range of areas such as clinical triage, risk
assessments, and care provision as well as having experience in adult critical
care and as a deputy critical care outreach sister managing critically unwell
patients. She currently works in an operational leadership role overseeing
multiple specialist and community nursing and allied health teams delivering
exceptional care to their patients with long-term conditions.




  • Screening Reports

  • Liability Reports

Ages Covered

Critical Care Nurse
  • Adults 25+

  • Young Adults 18-25