Louise Wake

  • Basic Life Support

  • Birth Injury/Development Injury

  • Bladder Management

  • Blood Transfusion

  • Cesarean Section

  • Delivery Emergency

  • Diabetes

  • Family Planning & Sexual Health

  • HIE

  • Maternity Triage (Hospital & NHS111)

  • Midwife

  • Midwifery

  • Neonatal

  • Obstetric Emergencies

  • Patient Safety

  • Perineal Repair

  • Sepsis

  • Triage Nursing

  • Venepuncture/Cannulation

  • Wound Closure and Suturing

Louise has worked as a midwifery medico legal expert witness since 2020.

Louise is a registered midwife with an extensive clinical background including 14 years at an outstanding NHS Trust as a senior labour ward coordinator, antenatal services lead and rotational midwife. She worked as the lead midwife for a midwifery led maternity triage service based within an ambulance trust.

Louise currently works as a Maternity Investigator for the Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB). This role includes investigating maternity cases with outcomes that meet the RCOG Each Baby Counts criteria and maternal deaths and authoring detailed safety reports.

Bond Solon Certified Legal Training Courses: “Excellence in report writing” and “Courtroom Skills training”




  • Screening Reports

  • Liability Reports

Ages Covered

  • Babies 0-1

  • Prenatal