Marcia Blackstock

  • Dementia

  • Deprivation of Liberty (DoLs)

  • Epilepsy

  • Health and Safety

  • Incident Reporting and Management

  • Medicines Management

  • Mental Health

  • Mental Capacity Act

  • Risk Management

  • Safeguarding Adults

  • Safeguarding Children

Marcia Blackstock, a senior mental health practitioner, has extensive experience in delivering high-quality mental health assessments, monitoring, and care. Her diverse career has included roles such as a departmental manager, managing mental health support day services and setting standards for patient care; a community psychiatric nurse, providing interventions for those with alcohol-related problems and developing referral pathways; and a staff nurse, facilitating group therapy sessions and documenting patients’ progress. Marcia has since moved on to supporting neurodivergent people and conducting assessments for children and young people for CAMHS.




  • Screening Reports

  • Liability Reports

Ages Covered

Registered Nurse - Mental Health
  • Adults 25+

  • Young Adults 18-25

  • Adolescents 12-18

  • Children 5-11